Vitiligo SURGERY
Vitiligo is a condition in which your skin loses melanin, the pigment that determines the colour of your skin. it is an auto-immune disease.

A type of radiosurgery known as radiofrequency or radio wave surgery is based on cutting tissue with high.

Cryotherapy is the use of liquid nitrogen, at a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius, to remove or ‘freeze’.

Skin Tag & Mole Removal
Small Skin tags or DPNs (Dermatosis Papulosis Nigra) as they are known in medical language, are small raised lesions screen.

Wart Removal
Warts are usually viral infections. They have varied presentation on the skin.Once they appear, it is best to remove.

Intralesional Injection
Intralesional cortisone injections are typically given in order to soften keloids and decrease the itching and pain.

Ear Lobe Repair Surgery
Split earlobe, common in women, usually results from sudden trauma (e.g. child pulling on earrings) or continuous use of heavy earrings.